13/5/09... Latest sighting: Aviva moored in Antibes!

 The Aviva was built in 2004 by a team of naughty orphans in squalid conditions in the third world. It has a hull, some windows, two toilets and a round thing on top which no one knows what it's for but everyone else's yacht has one. The above image was taken during a toilet flush, hence the ejection spray coming from the starboard side of the hull. It costs over £70 to fill up the tank, thus it will be stuck in Antibes until the crew can have a whip-round.

Full specs:

Engine Size: 1900cc

Length: 1/2 mile

Colour: Grise

On board vessels: 1 motor boat, 1 submarine and some pooh sticks

Accommodation: 93 bedrooms, 3 kitchens, a dungeon, bingo hall, bouncy castle, 1 bathroom and an outside lavvy.

Number of chefs: 2 million

Top speed: mach 4 at 33,000ft

The Avila exercises a strict shoes-off policy upon boarding

Above is a close-up of Avila's stern. You can see an inflatable dinghy which is used by the ship's crew when they repaint the red stripe around the hull. This has to be done thirteen times a day because they use water based paint.  In this image you can also see holes on either side of the door. They are turnip dispensers.

This is where they put all the stuff that they don't know what it is. It includes technical things they don't know how to use like radars, vacuum cleaners and the laminating machine. 

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